Brian Kiernan

Hello! I'm Brian 👋

A Senior Web Developer

I'm currently at 🚀 Rocket Communications, Inc.


    React.jsNext.jsAngularTypeScriptJavaScript (ES6)GitRedux.jsReact QueryNode.jsExpress.jsNest.jstRPCNoSQL DatabasesMongoDBFirestoreSupabasePostgreSQLRelational DatabasesREST API3rd Party APIsHTML5CSS3Material-UIChakra-UIMapboxChart.jsGoogle Cloud PlatformGoogle Cloud RunFirebaseStripeCRMMarketing AutomationTwilioSendGridAWS Simple Email ServiceLobLinuxDocker


Home Comparison Web App For Homeowners

This web app compares a subject home to those for sale now or sold over the last six months within the subject's market. It generates three comparison reports. A Homecomp Top 10, Neighborhood News, and Market Snapshot. The user also gets a summary email sent to them monthly.

Automated Postcard Marketing Service For Realtors

This service print and sends relevant market data to homeowners on the behalf of a Realtor. It grabs the current homes for sale and sold over the last six months within one mile of the recipient. Prints the 10 listings most similar to theirs on one side and the Realtor's info on the other along with a custom letter. This service runs once a month on auto-pilot.


Complex Monthly Subscription Billing Feature Using Stripe

This feature starts by using the Stripe front-end SDK to get a customers payment method for future use. Then using the Stripe back-end SDK an invoice is created and paid just once a month having to tally multiple products actual usage. Four different products with different prices for each customer are used an unknown amount of times during the month. Keeping track of all usage and subscriptions proved to be a big challenge.

I was very proud of the solution I created which keeps billing simple by only generating an invoice and charging a customer's payment method once a month for all services rendered.


  • /images/homecomp.jpg
  • /images/top-10.jpg
  • /images/neighborhood-news.jpg
  • images/listingopportunities.jpg
  • /images/calc-top.jpg
  • /images/calc-bottom.jpg